Borne of a fever dream in the darkest recesses of J.J. Johnston’s mind during the endless depths of quarantine, To Be or RPG sprang into being as the scrawlings on the backside of a napkin from his favorite ramen joint. He loved tabletop role-playing games. He ran an award-winning theatre company that could use a new source of tax-deductible donations. He knew talented actors who could more than make up for his mediocre skills as a Dungeon Master. He counted among his closest colleagues a keen group of technicians who could bring it all to the masses with an unmatched prowess. He saw an opportunity to incorporate classical dramatic literature into the world’s most popular role-playing game.

To Be or RPG brings together a skilled group of artists and technicians that have all worked in some capacity with Classical Theatre Company in its humid home of Houston, Texas. This stalwart group brings a weekly Dungeons & Dragons campaign live on Twitch every Monday evening beginning in June 2022. These roleplaying sessions follow a hardy band of heroes as they explore the fantastical world of Magadrinn, thwarting the plots of evil wizards, solving the most mind-bending riddles, and drinking all the ale while meeting characters and encountering stories drawn from the classical canon. All this while helping to raise money for a nonprofit theatre company near and dear to all their hearts.